What is gestalt? How does gestalt therapy work? Which course are offered at NGI, and how do I apply?
This is a brief introduction of the Norwegian Gestalt Institute and the world of gestalt therapy.
Course of study held in English
The Institute, which is accredited by the European Association of Gestalt Therapy, offer one course of study in English: a four-year basic gestalt therapy education . You can read about the programme here.
About the Norwegian Gestalt Institute
The Norwegian Gestalt Institute AS (NGI) was established in 1986 and has offered training and education within gestalt for almost 30 years, with a steadily increasing number of courses and classes. NGI was certified as a private university college with an officially approved exam in 2003, and now has two formally approved courses. NGI has decided not to apply for governmental aid and is 100 % financed by study fees.
Our English-language four-year gestalt therapy education takes place online, with three modules in Oslo each year. Courses in Norwegian include gestalt coaching and organisational development, which have given the school a broader platform that has been well received.
What is gestalt?
The word gestalt is German and can best be translated to «a meaningful whole» or «a complete pattern». Gestalt therapy is built on a fundamental belief that we can live a far fuller and richer life than most of us do today. It is a direction within the humanistic psychology that was founded by the German-born couple Laura and Fritz (Frederick) Perls and the American Paul Goodman in the late 50s and early 60s in the US. Gestalt therapy is based on ideas from existential-phenomenological philosophy.
Practical information about gestalt studies in English
Four-year gestalt therapy education
The gestalt therapy study programme consists of nine modules of two or three days per year over four years. Six of the annual modules are online, three are in Norway.
Study plan four-year gestalt therapy programme
The cost of the programme for the coming academic year (including tuition and supervision) is NOK xxxx plus a registration fee of NOK 4900.
Prerequisites for the programme are three years of university-level study or the equivalent and experience working professionally or as a volunteer with people.
Students take part in an online study group meeting between each module.
Students are required to have at least 70 therapy sessions of one hour with a gestalt therapist who has his/her training from an EAGT-approved training institute and is a member of the relevant professional organisation in his/her country. Up to 20 of the required 70 sessions can be satisfied by therapy sessions that take place in the year prior to starting the programme. Individual therapy sessions are not covered by the tuition.
The practicum period of two years is concurrent with the last two years of the programme. During this period, students can work as student therapists with clients one-to-one or apply the gestalt method in their workplaces. Students take part in supervision groups eight times each year the third and fourth years, where they receive guidance in relation to their clinical practice or other relevant work. There are four introductory supervision sessions during the spring of the second year. Supervision groups are administered by the school and take place either online or in connection with modules in Oslo. Tuition includes participation in supervision groups.
Apply here
Students from countries where no visum is needed to visit Norway as a tourist need not apply for a study visum for the modules in Oslo. Students from other countries can find more information on visum applications here. To apply, click here.